Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Blog or not To Blog

I begin my blogging as if I have been doing it for if I was a pioneer.

Now, in my second week of unemployment, I am enjoying the simple things in life: the chirping of a bird in the afternoon (not the morning); the swishing of a fish tail hitting the rocks on the bottom of my somewhat recently purchased fish bowl; the plucking of the four available strings on my six string Martin acoustic guitar; and the hosting of a MURDER (!!!) with Kelli.

Recent Films: The Queen*, The Departed, Employee of the Month, The Proposition*, In the Bedroom*

Recent Music: The Cure re-issues, Radio Birdman, Devo (there's so much more than Whip It), Gary Numan

Recent other stuff: Lost

Netflix: I will be renting Fantasy Island season 1 for nostalgic purposes. I have a feeling it is bad...but I need proof.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell us how The Queen is. I am curious.